Tiny whittling : more than 20 projects to make by Steve Tomashek

tinywhittling  Regina  Review by:  Regina

Title:  Tiny whittling : more than 20 projects to make

Author:  Steve Tomashek

Collection:  Adult Non-Fiction

I must fess up and admit that I’ve always wanted to be able to whittle – yes, whip out some amazing little carving with my own two hands and a knife. Impress your friends and family. This little book fed my appetite and even though I haven’t started whittling yet, as God be my witness – I will one day. (Besides that I’m in the middle of learning how to knit scarves.) Anyway, you’ll learn why the artist committed himself to carving as a hobby (after a great loss), what types of wood works better than other kinds, learn safety tips and knives to use and useful painting techniques. The first project actually uses soap as the medium, the second uses a turnip! Progress from vegetables to wood and learn a new hobby!

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